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Signature Drive Instructions
A video to explain how to gather signatures in your congregation
Because We Believe God Has Something Better for Massachusetts Than Casinos
To help prevent casinos from coming to the Commonwealth, we must collect 11,485 certified signatures of Massachusetts registered voters to get the Repeal the Casino question on the ballot in November:
Please join us in prayer and in gathering signatures - we've got between now and June 9 to get it done!
To obtain petition sheets, call 617-913-3396 or email friendsofeastboston@gmail.com.
To print your own petition sheets, you can click here. Be sure to print on 8.5 x 11 size paper with same paper weight as original (Staples, white, 28 lb. works well). Print double-sided front-to-back (make sure back side is not upside-down). If printed petition sheets are different from the original, the signatures collected on them will unfortunately not be valid.
To download written instructions for the signature drive, you can click here.